Common Man and Change This is an experience of a common man who wanted a change. Now, this change is not that change which everybody wanted to see in this world but a change of two thousand rupee note, five hundred rupee note or sometimes hundred rupee note. Every day, as per our profession or routine we encounter this situation. Sometimes, we have change but sometimes (Those odd days) we don’t. I know you are thinking that this is an era of digital payment why you are talking about liquid money and change. So, think why? Wait, I will answer you. Have you read the title attentively…. “COMMON MAN” Now, this common man can be of any age as I have not mentioned the age. One day he went to a mall which was behind his home to buy a product whose price was less than hundred now when he checked his wallet it had a single five hundred rupee note after collecting all his strength knowing that asking for a change is a big deal he went to buy that product as it was an emergency an...